Yes, we are open during this challenging time and are offering both on site and alternative approaches to medical management and therapy. Options are listed below. Please contact us for further information.
With concerns related to the COVID-virus outbreak Quality Behavior Health has taken every precaution to address safety and hygiene matters in our offices in order to guarantee your safety and to eliminate the possibility of the spread of viral-like symptoms. Access to both medical management and psychotherapy will continue to be offered in this safe and carefully maintained environment.
If, however, you would prefer alternatives to office-based access we are now offering virtual or telepsychiatry in addition to traditional telephone options. You may of course prefer office visits, in which case we will make every effort to accommodate you. If after checking in you would prefer to wait in your vehicle or remain outside the building we will be pleased to notify you of the availability of treatment by calling you on your cell phone and informing you of the availability of your provider.
All QBH patients will have the option of traditional telephone, telepsychiatry, and of course in-office medication management and psychotherapy services. Virtual Psychiatry will be conducted with in-office computers using a camera-microphone capability, with patients employing their own electronic devices.
Please inform administrative staff in advance of in-office treatment if you have traveled outside of the country within the last two weeks. Do not arrive at our offices if you are experiencing fever, coughing, or respiratory difficulties. Do call to re-schedule or to arrange an alternative to in-office treatment.
Phone: (401) 681-4274 | Fax: (401) 681-4285